Meet us at the Oklahoma State Fair and Tulsa State Fair Animal Birthing Center!

The animal birthing center is a popular attraction for thousands of people attending the Oklahoma State Fair and Tulsa State Fair. With only 2% of the U.S. population directly involved in agriculture, these birthing displays show the reality of how life begins on a modern farm to many people who would not otherwise get such an opportunity.

History of the Animal Birthing Centers: For many years, the Oklahoma State Fair and Tulsa State Fair have offered the chance to witness the miracle of life through their animal birthing centers. These centers are immersive educational experiences that bring the farm directly to the public. Annually, more than 100 animals are born during each of the state fairs.  


Prioritizing Animal Welfare: The animal birthing centers are designed to mirror the conditions and practices used on actual working farms. They are equipped with temperature controls, ventilation systems and special flooring that promote cleanliness and comfort. The state fairs are committed to the humane and proper care of all animals, taking every possible precaution to ensure their safety and well-being while on the fairgrounds. No one has a greater economic stake in the welfare of animals than the farmers themselves.


Using Tested Scientific Practices to Build Trust: By allowing visitors to see these agricultural practices up close and engage in discussions, the state fairs aim to build trust. This firsthand experience helps fairgoers understand the challenges that farmers face and appreciate the commitment to animal welfare. For instance, farrowing stalls are designed to keep both the sow and her piglets safe, comfortable and clean. These stalls allow for individualized care, which leads to improved health outcomes and reduces the need for treatments like antibiotics.

We are proud of the work our organizations do to teach people about production agriculture, and prouder still of our shared commitment to animal welfare. We invite all Oklahomans to experience the Oklahoma City and Tulsa animal birthing center firsthand.

Click here to read the statement on the importance of animal birthing centers at our state fairs.