okPORK is pleased to welcome Makala Navarro to our team for the summer of 2019. Makala is a senior majoring in Agriculture Communications and will graduate in December of 2019. We sat down with Makala for a Q&A so you could get to know her. You’ll be seeing her at okPORK events throughout the summer so be sure to say hi!
Q. Where are you from?
A. Atwater, California
Q. What do you miss about being home?
A. I have a 6-year-old nephew Rylan and a 5-month-old niece Reese that I miss more than anything! Rylan was my partner in crime before I moved to Oklahoma and I miss spending time with him and watching both of the kids grow up. I also miss being able to stop at roadside fruit stands in the summer to pick up fresh fruit.
Q. What do you like the most about Oklahoma?
A. The people here are the best people I have ever met. The atmosphere out here is so warm and friendly you never feel out of place.
Q. What is your area of study and how did you choose that path?
A. I am currently studying agricultural communications at Oklahoma State University with plans to graduate in December.
I decided to study agricultural communications because I have a passion for bridging the producer/consumer gap. I grew up in a rural area, but there were still many people who were unaware of the agriculture around them and it’s what inspired me to want to be a part of educating the public about agriculture.
Q. What do you want to do when you graduate?
A. Oh boy, that is THE question. I am extremely open to any opportunity that presents itself, however, I hope to be a communications specialist for an agricultural group that will allow me to continue advocating for agriculture.
Q. What did you want to be when you were a little kid?
A. I always wanted to be a vet, but the older I got it changed to lawyer as I learned that I love to debate.
Q. What is your favorite movie EVER?
a. This is probably one of the most unnecessarily difficult questions of all time because I love to watch movies. I would say one that always sounds good to watch would be The Longest Ride. As much as I hate to admit it, I’m a sucker for a sappy romance movie.
Q. If I were to jump in your car – what would be playing on the radio?
A. I’m a big fan of throwback playlists, my Spotify right now is completely revolved around mid-00’s country and pop music.
Q. What is your favorite food?
A. I try not to limit myself to just one “favorite”, however, Italian food and sushi are two of my top picks.
Q. What made you apply to work for okPORK?
A. One of my close friends interned for okPORK and she loved it. I knew I wanted experience with an organization that worked with producers and I wanted to be able to use skills I’ve gained in class to get a feel of what my career could look like. I get to work with some really talented people here at okPORK and I don’t think I could have made a better choice!
Q. What are you most excited about this summer?
A. I am really excited to get to work on videos this summer and practice what I’ve learned in class. I am also extremely excited to get to help with the events like the okPORK Open and okPORK Congress, and meet new people. I hope to have a busy, productive and rewarding summer with okPORK!