In 2010, the Oklahoma Pork Council established the Outstanding Legislator Award to honor policymakers who help us and our partners throughout the “barnyard” champion pork, agriculture and rural Oklahoma at the State Capitol.
With just two years of experience representing District 26 in the Oklahoma House of Representatives, legislative leaders tapped Representative Dell Kerbs to serve as Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee in 2018. For the past six years, Representative Kerbs has used this position to be an effective and passionate agriculture supporter, which led to his selection for the Oklahoma Pork Council 2023 Outstanding Legislator Award.
As a restaurant owner and local leader from Shawnee, Representative Kerbs understands grassroots advocacy and the need for safe, affordable food products. He has worked closely with the Oklahoma Pork Council and the full “barnyard” of agriculture groups to champion legislative proposals that benefit our producers and rural Oklahoma communities.
In addition to chairing the House Agriculture Committee, Representative Kerbs also serves on the House Appropriations and Budget Committee and the House County and Municipal Government Committee. He is also active in a variety of service roles outside the State Capitol, especially event planning and emergency preparedness within his district.
Representative Kerbs and his wife Linda enjoy spending time with their two daughters and being active members of their community. Click here to learn more about Representative Kerbs from his Oklahoma House of Representatives member profile.