Promoting Pork to Oklahoma Dietitians

Sometimes in agriculture we wrestle how to best tell our stories beyond those who already support us. At the Oklahoma Pork Council, we actively look for new audiences to connect with each year to keep expanding our network of well-informed pork consumers.

Oklahoma Pork board member Cathy Vaughan took advantage of one of these network-broadening opportunities by spending the day with registered dietitians as they learned more about Oklahoma agriculture. Hosted by the “Dirt Road Dietitian” Sheri Glazier, the GROWN Conference brought around 25 diet and nutrition professionals together to tour a mushroom farm, learn about commercial pork production, and visit a pecan farm and processing facility. GROWN's slogan of "Where Oklahoma's agriculture and nutrition experts meet" proved true throughout Cathy's day representing the Oklahoma Pork Council and Smithfield Foods to this health-focused group.

Cathy had the opportunity to present about the benefits of pork, her work at Smithfield Foods, and the broader pork industry here in Oklahoma. She also represented Oklahoma Pork during a fun lunch activity sponsored by the National Pork Board building pork-focused charcuterie boards with attendees. Cathy shared this about her time with this unique audience: “Sheri Glazier has a real passion for connecting dietitians to what we do in agriculture every day, and I was honored to be able to speak to the group about the pork industry! Agriculture in Oklahoma is pretty awesome, and it was a great day to share what we do with those that help the people in our state make the best choices when it comes to nutrition."

Thank you to Cathy for representing our industry at the 2024 GROWN Conference!