Pork Industry Group Learning Continues

In a snap, seven sessions of Pork Industry Group have flown by as our team prepares to finish our 2024 collegiate leadership program. After this Tuesday’s final regular meeting on the Oklahoma State University (OSU) campus, our 20 passionate students get a well-deserved Thanksgiving break before our capstone banquet in December.

For the last session featuring guest speakers, our crew heard from three talented professionals during the “Real Talk - Women in Pork Panel.” Dottie King made everyone laugh as she shared all about contract farming in Oklahoma, raising a family while growing a business, and her lessons learned from 25 years caring for thousands of sows. Hannah Trujillo did a phenomenal job explaining her role managing Tyson’s nucleus farm filled with genetic decision making, strict biosecurity, and detailed planning. Stacie Smith brought a fantastic perspective sharing her behind-the-scenes expertise coordinating movements and schedules for Seaboard Foods market loads to the Guymon plant in rain, shine and every condition between.

All three panelists reflected on highlights and challenges of their rewarding pork careers, while providing excellent advice for our students preparing to enter the real world after graduation. Like each previous session of Pork Industry Group, the meeting also included discussion about Oklahoma Pork’s role serving producers with our staff, fun trivia and prizes with campus liaison Gus Ward, and thoughtful mentorship from our faculty advisor Dr. Scott Carter.