Get to Know Outreach Intern Gus Ward

Story Written by Gus Ward

. I’m Gus Ward, one of your 2024 summer interns. I grew up in Indianola, Oklahoma, on a cow-calf operation, where my family instilled in me a deep appreciation for agriculture. Throughout the years, agriculture has been more than just a hobby for me. It has been a way of life, teaching me about hard work and responsibility, and the importance of the agriculture community. This environment has cultivated my passion for the pork industry and has set the stage for my future aspirations.

My journey in agriculture really took off through my involvement in 4-H and FFA. Both organizations offered me a wealth of opportunities to learn and grow. I spent countless hours showing pigs, judging livestock, and public speaking. These experiences taught me not only about caring for my animals and the intricacies of judging livestock, but also about leadership, teamwork, and the value of community. These experiences helped form me into who I am today. They grounded me in the traditions of agriculture that I hold dear. I am currently a senior at Oklahoma State University, majoring in Agribusiness with a pre-law concentration. After graduating next spring, my goal is to possibly attend law school, eventually working in agricultural policy. I want to ensure the voices of farmers, ranchers, and producers, people like my family and neighbors, are heard and respected. Agriculture is more than an industry. It’s a way of life that sustains communities, economies, and traditions. I want to be an advocate for policies that support and protect something so important.

I am particularly passionate about issues like environmental regulations and trade policies, directly impacting producers. I have seen firsthand the challenges agriculture producers face and I want to help create a more favorable environment for them. Effective advocacy and thoughtful policy can make a significant difference, and I want to contribute to that positive change. At Oklahoma State, I’m not just focused on academics. I am involved in various student organizations including Pork Industry Group, which truly started my love and admiration for the pork industry. Through this program, I gained a practical understanding of issues facing producers, a well-rounded perspective about pork production, and the mindset of continuous learning.

In the end, my journey is about giving back to the community that has given so much to me. The agriculture sector is the backbone of our society, and the pork industry is a large part of that. I am eager to play my part in ensuring its success and sustainability!