Memories Made in Minnesota for Interns

Written by Presley Pullen and Gus Ward

Our recent journey to Mankato, Minnesota, was a remarkable opportunity to expand our network and sharpen our professional skills. We participated in the Young Leaders in Agriculture Conference (YLAC) and the Fundamentals of Communications workshop for a total five days last week. Representing our shared passion for the pork industry and meeting other young agricultural leaders, we immersed ourselves in a week filled with learning, storytelling, and personal growth. We are proud to have the opportunity to represent Oklahoma and pork producers across our great state. 

The week kicked off with YLAC, which proved to be an enriching experience from beginning to end. We had the opportunity to attend sessions led by influential speakers who shared very valuable insights on sustainable farming practices, technological advancements in pork, and the future of the industry. The conference kicked off with Dr. Todd Dewett who shared the power of authenticity and how to be more real, more honest, and more credible as a young professional. We also heard from individuals with careers in human resources, sharing, “Don’t be the smartest person in the room. Surround yourself with smart people. That’s when you will truly grow.” 

In agriculture we talk a lot about advocacy and how to speak for producers. However, one thing we don’t necessarily discuss is finding someone who will speak up for you when you’re not in the room. This idea was reinforced throughout the entire conference and made us even more appreciative of the team we have here at the Oklahoma Pork Council. They advocate for Oklahoma pork producers every day, but place relationships above everything else. In addition to these impactful individuals, we also got to hear real world stories from those who tell the agriculture story best: farmers. A panel featuring pork producers and dairy industry leaders provided insight into the benefits of earning a college education before returning to the farm. They shared a very helpful piece of advice: “Know what hat to wear at the right time.” No matter what phase of life you find yourself in, we think this can be applicable.

Beyond the educational aspect, YLAC provided us with many opportunities to connect with fellow young leaders and professionals, fostering new friendships and collaborations that spanned beyond the conference. We know these relationships will last for years to come. Following our engaging experience at YLAC, we transitioned to the two-day Fundamentals of Communications workshop with Micah “Spike” Craven of Integrity Communications. With a group of about nine participants, we dove deep into effective communication strategies for professional spaces and our personal lives. Spike’s guidance and expertise were invaluable as we explored many various communication techniques through exercise, practice, and discussions. These activities equipped us with skills to effectively advocate for agriculture in our communities, future careers, and beyond.  

As we reflect on our time in Minnesota, we are deeply thankful to the Oklahoma Pork Council for making this journey possible. The insights gained this past week enhanced our understanding of the pork industry and strengthened our commitment to serving and advancing it.