Derby Program Featured in National Publication
To those whose families have shown livestock, "The Show Circuit" magazine may be familiar to you. This bi-monthly publication is packed full of quality photography, advertisements, and other content appealing directly to folks who spend their time getting animals ready for the show ring. In the latest issue, readers from across the nation get to learn about Oklahoma's incredibly successful Pork Partners Derby, and how the Oklahoma Pork Council uses the remarkable program to recruit more young people to pork production.
Here is an excerpt from this Oklahoma-proud magazine spread, which gives a great overview of the full experience: "The Oklahoma Pork Partners Derby is an annual opportunity for 6th-12th grade Oklahoma 4-H and FFA students with an interest in pork production but who have not previously showed pigs. Since the program's beginning in 2023, participants have been nominated by their local 4-H or FFA advisors who have pledged hands-on assistance as the novice livestock exhibitors work to properly raise their selected pigs. The derby is a special collaboration among Oklahoma State University, the Oklahoma Pork Council, the Oklahoma Youth Expo (OYE), and other advocates for 4-H and FFA youth in Oklahoma."
"Once accepted into the program, students convene in Stillwater for a "Draft Day" to each choose their pig from comparable animals raised by Oklahoma State University Swine Farm. As big believers in the next generation of swine enthusiasts, the Oklahoma Pork Council board has voted to sponsor $250 per enrolled student to cover the purchase cost of their Derby pigs over the last two years, and the board intends to keep pledging support for this special program. Then throughout the show season, students keep a record book about their animal as they care for their Derby pigs at their own homes or at their local 4-H and FFA barns. Derby participants can exhibit their animals at additional livestock shows if they choose, but the Pork Partners Derby culminates at the Oklahoma Youth Expo (OYE) each spring with activities specifically designed for the Derby students and their pigs including a knowledge test, ultrasound scans, and competition classes open to only Derby participants. The hope is these students will find a passion for pork and might consider staying in the pork industry for careers long after their Oklahoma Pork Partners Derby experience."
What a fun shoutout to the first-time swine enthusiasts participating in the derby and to Oklahoma Pork's generous board of directors for helping fund this unique workforce program! To see the full magazine spread highlighting Oklahoma's collaborative derby program on pages 32-33, click here!