Meet Tré Smith, Communications Intern


We are excited to have Tré Smith serve as the communications intern this summer! Tré is incredibly talented and passionate about the swine industry. He’s no stranger to okPORK – he was a YLC camper in 2016, and he was also a member of the inaugural Pork Industry Group at Oklahoma State University in 2019.

He joined our team on May 17, and we can’t wait for you to meet him. Until then, enjoy this Q&A session with him!

Where are you from?
Sand Springs, Oklahoma

What is your area of study and how did you choose that path?
I am a senior at Oklahoma State University pursuing a degree in agricultural communications with a minor in marketing in the Ferguson College of Agriculture.

When I enrolled at OSU, I was pursuing an agricultural business degree. I later found my passion in interacting with people and shedding a positive light on the agriculture industry. This led me to make the change to agricultural communications.

What do you want to do when you graduate?
My dream is to work in producer outreach for a pork-related company.

What did you want to be when you were a little kid?
As a kid, I wanted to be many things. First, a veterinarian, then later in life, I wanted to be a dentist. 

What is your favorite movie EVER?
This is a tough one for me! Possibly, Secondhand Lions, Gran Torino or Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas (the Jim Carey version only)! There are just too many good movies to have a favorite for me.

If I were to jump in your car – what would be playing on the radio?
You would hear a plethora of genres. It would range from John Anderson to Chris Brown. You just never know.

What is your favorite food?
I am a huge Cajun food lover. I grew up eating Cajun food, so I am very much so a critic when it comes to cooking. My all-time favorite meal is crawfish with fried pork chops or alligator tail.

What is one fact about yourself that no one would ever guess?
I am actually an LSU fan.

What do you find special about okPORK?
Everyone says this, but it is the people. The Oklahoma Pork Council has a very special place in my heart. I have been around the organization since 2016. The office staff and pig farmers across Oklahoma have taught me so much about the industry, and they have truly watched me grow up. The Oklahoma Pork Council is a part of my family, and it is incredible to see everything come full circle.

What are you most excited about this summer?
I am excited to have a hand in planning the next Pork Industry Group, or PIG, which will be held at Oklahoma State University this fall. This is a huge deal for me because I was introduced to the industry through the Youth Leadership Camp the Oklahoma Pork Council hosted.

YLC was an experience for high school students, but okPORK has since shifted the focus to college students, which is how PIG was established. Group members meet throughout an eight-week period during the fall semester at OSU. They will learn about the Oklahoma pork industry while hearing from industry leaders and touring facilities across the state. I’m excited to give college students the same interactive experience and opportunity I received when I was seventeen.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 
In 10 years, I see myself with a family, still heavily involved in the pork industry and mentoring future leaders. It is important to me to give young people the opportunity to be successful in this field. Who knows – I might be watching my kids in a show ring.