Many Foreign animal diseases, like African Swine Fever, only impact pigs, not humans. Meaning even in an ASF outbreak, there is no threat to public health or food safety


Many Foreign animal diseases, like African Swine Fever, only impact pigs, not humans. Meaning even in an ASF outbreak, there is no threat to public health or food safety ---

What Is a Foreign Animal Disease?

Foreign animal diseases, more commonly referred to as FADs, are diseases which are not normally present in the animal populations of the United States. Many FADs can greatly impact animal health with some even capable of causing death and sever economic consequences in the US animal population. The most well-known example of an FAD is Foot-and-Mouth Disease, which is currently impacting animals in other parts of the world, but it has not been the cause of a US outbreak since 1929.

Report Your Concerns or Suspicions of FADs

Oklahoma Department of Agriculture Reportable Disease List

Oklahoma State Veterinarian’s Office- 405-522-6141

Request FAD Alerts from Oklahoma Pork


Still have questions? Visit our FAD Contacts page to find the best place to ask your questions or report your concerns.