Kim Brock | 2008
Kim Brock’s influence on Oklahoma’s pork industry has been far reaching and multifaceted. He became interested in showing pigs at a young age and that interest developed into a career at Oklahoma State University as the swine herd manager for the past 29 years. Kim’s combination of teaching and research benefits the industry of today and also prepares Oklahomans to become part of the industry of the future.
While working at OSU, Kim helped a number of students continue their interest in swine and many are still involved in Oklahoma’s swine industry today. At the swine farm, Kim mentored undergraduate and graduate students in swine science. His ability to relate to the students and cultivate their interested allowed him to gain great respect from his students. While at OSU, Kim also worked with students at the livestock judging coach, winning two national championships.
Kim also contributes to the swine industry by promoting swine production to youth through his work judging livestock shows across the country. He has judged on numerous levels, from local shows to national shows, in 30 different states.
Kim passionately educates young people about Oklahoma agriculture. He often allows school groups to visit the OUS swine farm to gain knowledge about where their food comes from. Kim believes this will allow them to make informed decisions toward agriculture in the future.
In 2007, Kim was honored as the 2001 Outstanding Staff Award at OSU for his continued efforts in educating students and promoting OSU. Aside from his work with OSU, Kim enjoys spending time with is wife, Pam, and their son Kaid.
For his commitment to mentoring students, swine research, purebred livestock and continued development of Oklahoma’s pork industry, the Oklahoma Pork Council proudly inducts Kim Brock into the Hall of Fame.