
Don Ramsey | 2006

Don Ramsey has provided unending support to Oklahoma’s youth in agriculture for the past 35 years. After receiving an Agricultural Education degree in 1950 from Oklahoma State University, Don spent two years in the U.S. Army. He was an Agricultural Education instructor until 1972 teaching at Washington, Alfalfa and Jones, Oklahoma.

Don began utilizing locally raised pigs from show projects and processing them into breakfast sausage. Local FFA chapters began selling this sausage as a fundraiser. In 1970 the first Blue and Gold Sausage production facility was built in Jones, Oklahoma. Today Blue and Gold Sausage Company provides over 3.5 million pounds of sausage, bacon and chicken products to more than 800 groups in Oklahoma and surrounding states. Don has been responsible for over 55 million pounds of sausage production over the last 35 years.

Don is active in several organizations that support Oklahoma’s youth. He serves on the Oklahoma FFA Foundation and the OSU Agricultural Education Scholarship Fund board of directors. Don was president of the Southwest American Livestock Foundation in 1990 and Sirloin Club of Oklahoma in 1988. He was president of the Oklahoma Vo-Tech Foundation Board in 1985.

Don has been active in the purebred swine industry for many years. In 1984, he was given the Oklahoma Swine Breeders Association Achievement Award and was an Oklahoma 4-H and FFA Jr. Livestock Show Honoree. The Ramsey family and Blue and Gold Sausage Company have been active participants in the premium sales for the Oklahoma Youth Expo and Tulsa State Fair.

Don and his wife Willadean still reside in Jones, Oklahoma. Their sons Greg and Brett also live in Jones and are involved in production at Blue and Gold Sausage Company.

It is with great pride and appreciation that the Oklahoma Pork Council inducts Don Ramsey into the Hall of Fame.