
Rick Maloney


Rick Maloney has devoted his entire life to helping the Oklahoma and National swine industry. Rick, a Vietnam veteran, worked as a field man for the Poland China Association while attending Oklahoma State University.  After college he became the first Executive Director of the Oklahoma Pork Council.  Through his hard work and leadership, The Oklahoma Pork Council soon became a viable and respected organization of the Oklahoma swine industry.

Rick left the Oklahoma Pork Council in 1973 and moved to Indiana to become the Executive Secretary of the Spotted Swine Record.  He later moved to Illinois and became the Executive Secretary of the Hampshire Swine Registry.  During Rick's tenure as the Executive Secretary of the Hampshire Registry, litter registrations increased 50 percent. He was also very instrumental in establishing performance testing programs and developing procedures to improve registrations, field man service and breed recognition.

In 1993, the state of Oklahoma was very fortunate that Rick returned to Oklahoma and accepted the position of Director of  Market Development with the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture.  He is responsible for promoting domestic and international sales of Oklahoma's food and agricultural products.  Soon after accepting the Oklahoma position, Rick was elected an Ex-Officio Board of Director of the Oklahoma Pork Council and has been very helpful and supportive of the group. 

Rick has taken a leadership role in working with the youth of Oklahoma.  He is currently a swine superintendent at the Oklahoma Youth Expo and the Tulsa State Fair. He is very actively involved in the premium sales of both shows.  Rick is currently President of the Southwest American Livestock Foundation, a support organization of the Oklahoma Youth Expo.

Rick's family is also actively involved in the swine business. His wife, Linda works for a major feed company, his son, Craig works for a major swine corporation and his daughter, Danna and her family have a purebred sow operation.  Rick’s grandchildren show pigs at various state and national shows.

Rick Maloney is most deserving of a 2004 Oklahoma Pork Council Hall of Fame Award.